There goes my limbs, I tell ya. xD
First there was our Advanced 1 class at 3pm, then we danced Grade 3 with Bethany 'so she wouldn't feel alone', according to Gino.
After that, we danced Grade 6 with Jermaine, Wan Hui and Sharnita.
Tomorrow, I have Adv 1 in the morning and again around evening, then Grade 5, which thankfully, I sit out most of the time (Guiltily grins at Lika), and then Grade 7.
Which I know for a fact that we'd have to dance with them.
Oh, and then there's Grade 4 after that too, by which just looking at them drains your energy.
Seriously. It's either some Feng Shui thingy or the aura. xD
But today was a fairly good day.. Gino made his 'comeback' after 2 weeks of serious food poisoning.
After Bethany's class, her younger siblings Ben and Rose hung out in the studio while Gino was talking to Ruth.
Rose, I mean. Rose is adorable. Lika is not. xDD
Lika then asked Rose to hug and kiss me, but I got rejected. Dx
Not long after that, though, Rose gave in and hugged and kissed me.^^ No idea if she was persuaded into doing it, though. xp
I was told something shocking during Grade 3 though.
Misaki had a hole in her heart when she was a baby, and had to undergo multiple surgeries for it! O_O
I never would have guessed, looking at her today. Just makes you feel thankful that everything went well, doesn't it?
And I think, though, that amongst Lika's students that come to this studio for double class, Primary (Gina, Esther, Yen Min, Irene) is probably the most well-organized. Maybe it's because they're bigger girls than the pre-primary, and well, Kathrina and Kai Hong is a definite exception. xD
And it was during Primary that I realised; my dance blog has been rather.. picture/video deprived lately.
It's been a while since I took a picture or video of a class and posted it up here. About time I got some fresh resources. I'll try to get some tomorrow. ;D
Yeah, well, I can hear crickets starting to sing in my brain now. Best stop here before I ramble on about totally irrelevant stuff. xD