January 07, 2010

I Hate Goodbyes.

Especially when I've known these girls for as long as I can remember.
And some, I have only just known, but it feels as if I've known them forever and they're such amazing kids that I'd miss them terribly.
To know that today was the last I'd see some of them in God knows how long, it almost made me teary.

Seow Hui. Chia Hern. Tze Ping. Kathrina. Kai Hong. Lixian. Jermaine. Wan Hui. Sayaka. Misaki. Jovian. Chrystal. Michelle. Samantha. Loi Eean. Khai Li. Joe Ye. Xing Wei. Mei Li (Pity you had to stop against your wishes). Wei Yun. Gina. Irene. Esther. Agnes. Luvina. The Pok Poks. Jean. Bi Ying. Branice. Sammi.


Don't stop dancing, girls.