It was raining the whole damn day.

And if what Lika said was anything to live by, that for these 5 days it's gonna rain non-stop, then well.. Guess who's gonna pig up on sleep?

If I had nothing to do the entire day, I would've been a huge
If I had had to wake up for anything else other than ballet, I would've been either slightly grumpy or hypnotized by the welcoming view of my bed.
Yes, I'm
So don't go telling me what a lazy ass I am.

Anyway, I was late for class in the evening (morning classes are usually uneventful; it's the afternoon classes that pack some laughter).
No, I wasn't sleeping.
I just.. Lost track of time. xD
Ahem. Back to the story.
So seeing as the weather was cold (it's almost 1am and I still haven't turned on the air conditioner; can you believe it? xD) and my hair still wet from shower, I danced without tying my hair, and never broke a sweat.
Normally, I would've been perspiring by then.
Kathrina 'delighted' us with her penguin-y (word created courtesy of Lixian.. I think) ways again, because I never knew there was a penguin version for Sissonne and.. Petit Allegro, I think?
So you guessed it, Lixian came today, after what feels like lightyears of her dissapearance.
Gino called her..- uh, better not mention it here, for PG rating's sake.

And during Grade 7, Kathrina danced along with Lixian and Tze Ping.
What a clever little penguin.
This time, with Jovian, doing Triple Runs.
Also, a video of said exercise:
That is all.